DIY Creator
Elise Hunter is a wife, mother of two, and a DIY Creator. Her recent DIY project was a playhouse in her basement for her girls. During the building process, Elise and her husband, Scott, enjoyed rewarding themselves with some time in their spa.
``I like using the hot tub as a family because it makes us slow down. Our lives are super fast paced. It just makes us slow down and spend time together. We just get to enjoy being together and talking with each other.``
Get to Know Elise
What do you like about being an online DIY creator?
I feel like I learned so much from having a community online. I get ideas, tips, and things that I haven’t thought of from sharing a whole process with them and it just makes it fun. It makes it feel like you’re not doing it on your own when you’re interacting with people. It definitely was nothing we ever expected to happen, but we love it.
What is your proudest accomplishment as a DIY creator?
We built our girls a playhouse in the basement and we cranked it out for Christmas. We did it in like two weeks and it was a lot of like up till 2 A.M physical labor.
Why did you choose Bullfrog Spas?
I actually asked for recommendations for hot tub on multiple occasions and it was overwhelming how many people said Bullfrog Spas. Bullfrog Spas had the only spa I’ve ever seen that was so aesthetically pleasing on the outside and I was so excited to have it fit into the [backyard] design.
What is your favorite JetPak?
I feel like that’s a hard one. We like switching. We call it musical chair, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be the oscillator. It’s so relaxing and it it just feels like I’m in a massage chair.
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Use the online Design Studio tool to choose your spa model, colors, JetPaks, and accessories. You’ll then receive an instant price quote and your local dealer’s contact information.