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I Got a Hot Tub on Twitter!

social media magic moment

So several months ago I was in my office at Bullfrog Spas, doing what I do (coming up with insanely brilliant ideas for the best new hot tubs ever and how to write about them) and a tweet popped up.



I was immediately intrigued, you know, because Utah has several very famous bloggers/concert promoters/leggings wearers. What I found was at once unapologetically shameless, cute and a little intriguing. Apparently, C. Jane Kendrick had been rambling on about how much she wanted a hot tub on Twitter. She had been asking her friends and Twitter followers to help her get a hot tub for several weeks at this point. It was becoming a funny joke and not something anyone seemed to be taking very seriously, until they reached out to us at Bullfrog Spas.   Then things got interesting.   I shot back an appropriate reply.  




C. Jane got friends to join in the fun. Which consequently turned into several hours worth of kinda sad begging and otherwise witty Twitter conversations.



Then C. Jane got serious and turned up the heat by name dropping. Never one to eschew flattery and shameless name dropping for my benefit, I was intrigued.



She included her talented husband, Christopher, in all of this.  




Then, apparently getting desperate, she got former jr. high school boyfriends involved.



And at some point that day I stalked C. Jane’s blog and social media profiles. Turns out she’s at least as fabulous as she tells everyone, probably way more so. She’s been writing a heartfelt, funny, interesting and well written blog for over a decade. She’s a dedicated commenter and activist working on issues she cares about. She started a really great concert series in her home town. And she works really hard with her town’s mayor to try to make it a better place for her friends, neighbors and children.   So we got serious here at Bullfrog Spas, pulled the strings, and showed up at C. Jane’s house with a new hot tub!  


You can see more about that here:




Thanks to @scottbwiley for getting all this started and Kevin from @sodalicious for providing refreshments for me and the delivery crew.  



What’s this all about? Stay Tuned!


C. Jane will be continuing to write about the amazing experiences that she and her family will have with their new Bullfrog Spa on her blog and on Instagram. She has already posted some awesome stuff on Instagram (over there >>>) and has written about their first few experiences in a feature she’s calling: “Spa Ha Moments.” Yes, it’s just as adorable as it sounds, with C. Jane’s classic honesty and wit thrown in.


Be sure to check in on C. Jane’s blog and social media profiles.


Also it may just pay to follow Bullfrog Spas on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for more on this and other magical social media moments.




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