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3 Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships Through Relaxation

Just 15 minutes a day will help you and those around you to be much happier.

Ever notice how relaxing it is to take a walk, soak in a tub, listen to music, or anything that helps you relieve stress?  Relaxation centers your mind, and helps put things into perspective.  It not only works for you as an individual but can also work in relationships with your family or significant other.  You’ve heard the saying, “The family that plays together, stays together.”  Relaxing together can result in interactive time and positive communication.

Every relationship has its issues and stress intensifies them even more.  In fact, stress is really at the root of most arguments.  Taking a little pressure off, even if only for a few minutes, strengthens relationships.  Here are three easy ways to take relieve stress, both for yourself and those around you.

  1. Take some time to focus on yourself and your coping skills.  Take a moment to visualize the times when your relationships have been the most enjoyable.  Chances are the stress level was pretty low.  What coping skills brought the pressure down at those times?  Managing your own stress will go a long way toward avoiding or diffusing fights or bickering with others.
  2. Let it go ahead of time.  Accept the fact that there will be some stress and things that go wrong.  You can visualize perfection but expect the imperfections that are inevitable.  If you can prepare for things not being just so, you’ll be less likely to act out of frustration and feel the need to make things perfect.
  3. Make time for some quality time.  This doesn’t have to be hard.  Even fifteen minutes of deep relaxation goes a long way toward relieving stress in your relationships.  Take a walk around the block, tell an interesting story, soak in the hot tub, or just give a hug.

Enjoy your moments of relaxation.  Make them happen, then take things as they are.