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3 Ways To Improve Weight Lifting Recovery

Lifting weights provides a great workout to help you build muscle, which not only improves how you look but also helps your body burn more calories. However, to make the biggest gains, you must focus on muscle recovery after weight lifting. The results of your workout depend on how you take care of yourself during the time leading up to your next weight session. To achieve the best outcome, focus on the three main areas of nutrition, rest and pain relief.


1. The Right Nutrition


What you eat before and after your workouts makes a big difference in muscle gains and muscle pain relief after weight lifting. You can get the nutrition you need in various forms.



You will not get ultimate muscle recovery if you eat unhealthy items such as processed snacks and fast foods. Whole foods are always best for your body, and when it comes to weight lifting recovery, it makes a difference what you eat and when.

It’s always a good idea to eat before a workout so your body has the energy it needs to lift the weights. Consume proteins prior to hitting the gym since they can help synthesize muscle protein.

Eating within 30 minutes of finishing your workout also helps with weight lifting recovery. Ideally, you should combine proteins and carbohydrates. One result of lifting weights is that damage occurs to your muscle fibers, and protein is what helps repair this damage. Carbohydrates replace the glycogen used by your muscles during your lifting session.



Some weightlifters get their protein by drinking protein shakes either before or after a workout. Staying hydrated is also important since dehydration impairs the recovery process. In addition, water can help prevent muscle cramps, and it is especially important to drink adequate amounts after working out in the heat.

To accurately replace the water lost during a weight session, weigh yourself before and after your workout. For each pound of weight lost, consume 16 to 24 ounces of water or other hydrating fluids. Another fluid that has shown promising results for improving muscle soreness and inflammation is tart cherry juice.



Some fitness experts may recommend a variety of supplements. However, not everyone needs to take a handful of pills. Certain supplements are recommended more than others. Creatine helps improve muscle strength, and it also aids in muscle recovery after an intense workout. Branched-chain amino acids, which are leucine, valine, and isoleucine, are essential amino acids not made by the body. Taking them after a workout improves recovery and decreases muscle inflammation and soreness.


2. Rest for Muscle Recovery After Weight Lifting


Rest is one of the most important aspects of the recovery process. There are various ways to make sure your body gets adequate rest.


Time Away from the Gym

It is essential to take adequate recovery time after weight lifting. Many people think that the more frequently they lift, the stronger they will become. However, this is not true, and this misconception can interfere with muscle repair and building.

Muscle protein synthesis builds in the 24- to 48-hour period after lifting. That is why there should be a minimum of 36 hours, and ideally 48 hours, in between lifting the same muscle group. If you want to lift weights every day, work on different muscle groups so each group gets a necessary rest. You can also do a full-body workout two to three times a week, leaving at least one day in between.



Getting an adequate amount of sleep is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. Since your muscle protein increases during sleep, people who intensely exercise need more slumber time than people with less active lifestyles. One reason is that sleep allows for the production of more testosterone and other hormones that aid in the growth of muscles. Muscle inflammation also decreases during this time.


3. Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Activities


There are additional things you can do before and after a lifting session to improve recovery and assist with muscle pain relief after weight lifting. Taking the time to engage in these endeavors makes a big difference.


Roll Out

Using a foam roller helps to loosen up tight muscles. Rolling out before a workout not only minimizes the chances of injury, but it also improves performance because it allows for a better range of motion. Using the foam roller immediately after a session or that same night decreases soreness.



Stretching the associated muscles has numerous benefits. It prevents injury, minimizes soreness, and improves range of motion. You should stretch before and after a weight-lifting session. Performing yoga moves is also a good way to lengthen muscles and recover from intense workouts.



Massaging the muscles helps improve muscle recovery and reduces soreness. Although foam rolling is a type of massage, partaking in a full-body massage on a fairly regular basis also helps. Massage decreases soreness, and it can also improve flexibility.


Hot Tub Soak

Soaking in a hot tub is not only a relaxing activity, but it also helps reduce recovery time after weight lifting. Ideally, you should give yourself some downtime before hopping into the warm water. Stretch, allow your muscles to cool down, and eat your carbs and protein. After completing these priorities, you can allow the hot water to do its magic. Soaking in a hot tub post-workout or later that evening provides various benefits.

Relaxing in the hot tub reduces lactic acid, which ultimately cuts down on muscle soreness. It reduces stiffness since the water improves the elasticity of the muscle’s collagen fibers. It also improves circulation, which helps rid the body of toxins and speeds up recovery. If you take a soak shortly before bedtime, it may help you fall asleep, as well as enjoy better quality sleep.

Some athletic clubs and gyms have hot tubs in the locker rooms, but many do not. It is always nice to have a hot tub in the comfort of your own home. Bullfrog Spas can help you find the right hot tub to meet your individual needs.


Learn More About Bullfrog Spas


Bullfrog Spas are the only hot tubs that can be personalized just for you. Our patented JetPak Therapy System allows you to choose between 18 JetPak massages, each with a unique combination of jet types and placements. You then place the JetPak in your favorite seat and can interchange or upgrade at any time. Choose the JetPaks with the massages that target your aches and pains and even adjust the massage power with ease.


Does a Hot Tub Really Work with Muscle Recovery?


“I have owned my Bullfrog Spa for over a year and being an avid weightlifter, it drastically increases recovery time. My wife and 2 kids also love to get in it.” – Mike M.


“I’m mid 40s, very active, and my kids are also very active. I lift weights daily, run 4 times a week – so our hot tub gets a lot of use daily.” – James S.


“We are a very physically active family of 4. Both of our son’s swim competitively, my husband works out everyday and I train for triathlon and weight train. Our spa aids in our athletic recovery.” – Sherri C.


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Purchasing a hot tub isn’t just an investment; it’s a lifestyle change that will benefit your entire family. Only you can decide if a spa is a good investment for you. Use our online Design Studio tool to select your model, JetPaks, and accessories. Once you’re done, you’ll receive an instant price quote.