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A Real Hot Tub Time Machine

Set Your Clock Back With a JetPak Powered Hot Tub Time Machine


If not, here’s the brief synopsis: A bunch of dudes are taken back to the pre-internet 80s and raunchy hilarity ensues.


Well, that little bit of  improbability is great for Hollywood but we here at Bullfrog like real hot tub time machines.


A hot tub with JetPaks creates a real-life fountain of youth in your backyard. With just 30 minutes of spa hydrotherapy daily you can reduce your stress and relieve the aches and pains that seem to accumulate with age. Hot tubs are also a lot of fun and they provide the ideal location to rekindle reltionships, taking you back to the days of proms and puppy love.


Ok, we admit it. A Bullfrog Spa won’t magically transport you back to when the Beattles were a big deal. But a little spa hydrotherapy everyday will, in a very real way, help you to revitalize your life and will allow you to regain much of what made you young when you really were young.