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The Hotest TV Celebrity – The Hot Tub

The Hot Tub is the Star of these Classic TV Episodes

We all know today’s pseudo actors (aka reality stars) basically can’t survive without hot tubs. I mean, what would they do without a hot tub on set? Talk? Yeah, that show would be doomed.

Most young people today, who’ve grown up with such reality TV idiotry, don’t realize hot tubs have a long standing place as the stars of iconic classic TV shows. In fact, for years hot tubs have been upstaging actors on TV and in the movies. Here’s a few of our absolute favorite classic TV show episodes where the real star of the show is the Hot Tub.

Seinfeld – Kramer Chills Out

This iconic episode shows why it’s best to go for a self-contained portable hot tub, rather than the do-it-yourself behemoth that causes Kramer hypothermia and causes poor Jean-Paul to miss his chance to win the New York marathon.

This one has to go down as one of the funniest hot tub TV moments of all time.

Diffr’ent Strokes – Willis Teaches Mr. Drummond a Lesson

That crazy Arnold, played by the beloved and diminutive Gary Coleman, is up to shenanigans again when he puts a goldfish in Mr. D’s hot tub. But did he really do it? And what overly simplistic moral lesson can we learn from the trial that ensues?

This is another classic TV moment starring the Hot Tub. (turn up your volume for this one)

Saturday Night Live – Eddie Murphy Really Likes Hot Tubs

Probably no other TV song about a hot tub is so often quoted and sung around spas. You know how it goes down. Someone asks: “Want to go sit in the hot tub?” and immediately someone breaks into “Hot Tub, rub a dub in da Hot Tub” in their best James Brown voice. If they are really excited about it they may even try the James Brown splits. Not advised, but funny to watch your friends try it out.

So go ahead, say it real loud and strained: “Gonna make ya sweat. Hot Tub!” and enjoy this classic hot tub TV moment.