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It’s Spring, Time for Bunnies, Flowers, and Quality Hot Tubs

Get outside, but beware of fluffy forest creatures

I love this time of year. The tulips are breaking through the snow-crusted earth, grass is growing green, and fluffy forest creatures are beginning to show their cute furry faces – like in this image. It’s a perfect time to be in the backyard again, as long as you’re not a cat apparently.

Spring Cleaning

Somehow in the Spring the little outdoor home projects don’t annoy me. I’m actually excited to do them. Well, that may be overstating it a bit. It’s probably more accurate to say I’m excited about the results of these projects, because what I really love is enjoying relaxing in a beautiful backyard. There is nothing better than tasty grilled chicken and pineapple and a spending time with friends and family in the backyard.

My Backyard Oasis with a Quality Hot Tub

Spring reminds me that my backyard is really an oasis in my otherwise hectic and demanding life. It’s my own relaxing private sanctuary where I can kick back and relax, breathe fresh air, and escape for a while. And, there’s just something that’s a little bit special about spending a little quality hot tub time outdoors in the Spring. It reminds me that after even after winters of discontent all things circle back around to “amazing” at some point.

Hopefully, you’re enjoying your Spring in your backyard as well!