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Beat the Winter Blues

Make This Winter Less SADD

The holidays have come and gone and more than two months still separate us from spring. You may be feeling tired, a little run-down, and even depressed during these dreary winter days. Call it the winter blues or Seasonal Affective Depressive Disorder (SADD), whatever you call it, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world feel the effects of the low light, long nights, and cold temperatures of winter added to the usual stresses of everyday life. It just seems a little harder to get excited about life at this time of year. So how do you beat the winter blues?

Well, winter is nature’s time out. You deserve one too. Take some time out for yourself during these months. Doctors recommend getting outside as much as possible as a remedy. A warm soak in the spa is the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors, soak in some warmth, and soak up some natural light. Quieting your mind and body can be rejuvenating, while stimulating muscles and increasing blood flow with the swirling warmth of the water can be therapeutic.

Relax in the heat of the water and let your mind hibernate in the cool winter air. With just a few minutes of hot tub therapy, you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel. You will feel happier, more energetic, and revitalized.

Give yourself a late holiday gift, the gift of happiness this winter.